
The Durand Cup on loan

30 October 2017, Comments 0

The Durand Cup, the oldest non-UK football trophy, is possibly one of the most iconic objects in our collection and it is currently on […]

General Sir David Baird

30 October 2017, Comments 0

“Sir David Baird will gain the day. Huzza boys Huzza.” Among the many interesting objects depicting the long periods of service of our antecedent […]

Lance Corporal John Brown Hamilton VC

30 October 2017, Comments 0

Acting Lance Corporal John Brown Hamilton of 1/9th Battalion (Glasgow Highlanders) The Highland Light Infantry was awarded the Victoria Cross for his courageous action […]

John Brown Hamilton VC

30 October 2017, Comments 0

Although, sometimes windswept, Dumbarton’s war memorial, in Levengrove Park, is a wonderfully peaceful location with amazing views of the Clyde. Yesterday, 23 September, it […]

Assaye Day

30 October 2017, Comments 0

Today, 23 September, is Assaye Day, when the Regiment remembers one of its most famous battle honours: the Battle of Assaye in 1803 – […]

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